Celebrating 2 Delightful Years Of Serving Clients
Every year, July brings scorching heat, a spell of rain, and humid evenings. And while people around us enjoy joyful mornings and lazy summer, for us and our founder, Mugdha Jain, July reminds us of how far we have come and what new adventures are ahead of us. In July 2020, when Mugdha took her passion for creativity and spreading love, She gave life to The Delight Boxx.
While people came to terms with the realities of the COVID-19 pandemic, we worked endlessly to revolutionize gifting across the country in the face of such enduring times. It was sheer hard work and the zeal to create something that spread happiness that led Mugdha to land her first order of a doodle, plant, and chocolates on Friendship’s Day in 2020.
It might seem insignificant, but at the time, the order was nothing but a series of challenges - logistical errors, quality control, and whatnot. But above all, it brought along a sense of fulfillment and the fire to drive forward and create custom-made gifting hampers for all individuals and all occasions. The joy of firsts is unexplainable. It was the beginning of a crazy dream, The Delight Boxx, and a step forward in our vision to be a one-stop shop of customized gifting for everyone.
Since then, We have been pulling endless night shifts, unending travels, and early morning sales meetings to curate the best of the best hampers and build a delightful team. Soon we completed our first month and then our first year. We went through some crazy delivery issues, uncountable calls with the postal services, massive inventory shortages, delays in raw material delivery, and more. But that never stopped us from producing quality hampers per our customers’ needs.
Quality and uniqueness of the product are our primary focus, and we ensure that each of our delight boxes has a distinctive touch.
The persistence to delight the customers made us climb pinnacles and venture into other unexplored arenas like wedding favors and corporate gifting.
Our team works day in and day out to complete all bulk orders. But the satisfaction we get from seeing the smiles of our customers is worth all the night shifts in the world. It fills us with utmost joy to be a source of happiness for those who mean the most to us - our customers.
“The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.”
And it is with this thought that we continue to step forward every day. Our mission is to spread love and smiles with our gift boxes, irrespective of the endless challenges and obstacles in our path. We strive to be the best in our domain just so you and your loved ones can get all the joy you deserve with beautiful gifts made just for you.